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C. Gregory (Greg) Monroe

Durham, NC
[email protected]


To work in an environment that allows me to have input on how a project is done, continue learning new technologies, solve interesting problems, work collabratively with interesting people, and make a difference.

Skills and Expertise

Agile Software Development, Team Leadership, Project Management, Collaboration, Web Application Development, Web Design, Instructional Design, E-Learning, Application Security, Public Speaking, Accessibility, Social Media, Graphic Design, Performance Tuning, Networking, Java, JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, CSS, Drupal (Drush, Features, Migration, Composer, and more), AngularJS, WordPress, Tomcat, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Apache Httpd, Nginx, Apache Solr, SCORM, jMeter, Jenkins, Continuous Integration, HTML, Git, SVN, AJAX, XML, JSON, REST, Linux, Windows, Mac


Senior Drupal Developer

SolarWinds, Inc.
March 2017-Present
Piper (Contracted to SolarWinds)
July 2016-March 2017

The main Drupal full stack developer and dev op support for the Drupal 8,, and marketing sites. Acting as technical lead, mentoring and training junior programmers. Working with different parties to held defining the best way to meet the business requirements.

Built a new core code base that was used in the PassportalMSP site. This was designed to use all the latest Drupal features, e.g. layout manager, media, content moderation, Radix (Bootstrap 4) and the like. Working on making the sites more content author friendly with various paragraph based components, e.g. re-usable awards and testimonial blocks, author manageable tiles and other data related content like distributors. 

Coded extensive SEO related changes to contrib modules, including Improved the site security to meet corporate GDPR Security requirements. When google stopped supplying its custom site search service, converted the site to use the SearchAPI sytem.

Dev Ops responsibilities include moving the sites to an Acquia and CloudFlare based infrastructure, keeping code base up to date with module / core updates, and dealing with DDoS attacks. Maintaining site security, monitoring, debugging problems and maintenance. Setting up Nginx redirect server to manage redirects from properties that were collapsed into the main site. Managed the DNS services via CloudFlare.

Supplying development and front-end theme support in re-branding the site from LOGICnow to SolarWinds and multiple other re-branding changes. Migrating blogs and other content from older brands into the unified site.

Made the site international with 6 total languages. Redesigned the Blog section, created a system to post upcoming webinars, and merging in 4 other properties to the main site.

System Administrator

July 2015 - July 2016

I was ‘Modea’s man in Durham’, working ‘embedded’ at Duke as part of the Blacksburg, VA based team that manages the Duke Health System’s main web site, This site is the main marketing gateway to the Duke Health System, is built on Drupal 7 with AngularJS and Solr using Agile development techniques.

Duties include: Being the main Drupal design and development resource, external data integration to the site, working with Duke to deploy new versions, working ‘Agile’ly with the team on new features, debugging and fixing problems with the site (Drupal, AngularJS, and/or Solr related), setting up and managing the Continuous Integration environment, working with SEO analysts to meet their needs, improving and documenting processes and the like.

Senior Drupal Programmer

LongSight, Inc.
June 2013 – July 2015

Main Drupal technical resource, developer, site infrastructure architect and technical support for Longsight's Drupal clients. Additional duties included creating detailed estimates for clients, maintaining application level security, assisting in responding to RFP and other business development, documenting processes, dev ops site creation for Drupal sites, and mentoring for others with less Drupal knowledge.

Some major projects that I have lead and been the primary developer have been:

  • Ground up design and implementation of a student portal that let 40+ content editors dealing with 100+ school, department, cohort, campus, and other areas connect to 3500+ students. Automatically, importing and managing the students via Banner exports and assigning them to appropriate areas of content so they only see 'news' that relates to them.
  • Conversion of this site to a Demo site for marketing, conference kiosk use (
  • Transitioning hosting and application support of a major college's main campus website and alumni site from another vendor to Longsight. This included some major security updates, quickly learning the extensive existing custom code and related processes (with minimum documentation), and a full site 'overhaul' to support a new responsive site layout with many changes needed for it to be come rated as accessible. Refactoring various parts of the site to allow the college personnel to have more control over their content.
  • Picked up development needs for an 'open source document' library site that required support for 6 'site interface' languages and many other languages for document meta data.
  • Site infrastructure design for a college converting from ContentM to Drupal. This included some major migration coding to transfer data out of ContentM (a very Ajax based site) to Drupal and having a security structure that allowed.30+ content management areas to be maintained by different content editors.

Director of Infrastructure Development / Founding Member (of company)

Duke Corporate Education
July 2000 – June 2013

Team lead, main architect, developer, and last call support for the client facing group that supplied the technology used by Duke CE in it's educational programs. Additional duties included assisting in business development efforts, cost estimations, application level client security reviews, working with IT group to ensure systems were available 24x7, documentation, and training others.

Some major projects that I have lead and been the primary developer have been:

  • The Duke CE Signature Coaching Solutions platform (Drupal)
  • Performance Tuning Drupal and MySQL servers
  • An Identity Management System to support cross site users
  • The current Drupal based multi-site management system and templates (PhP, Drupal on Apache).
  • The Push to Publish system (J2EE on Tomcat)
  • The Web Application Component System (J2EE on Tomcat)
  • An Account Creation System to quickly create client user ids.
  • The Duke Learning Platform (nee Pensare P3->P4 nee DEEP) (J2EE on Netscape Application Server)

Some business outcome of these projects where: Signature Coaching Solutions is now a new line of business with a growing revenue stream. The majority of the others have been to add functionality and support increasing client demand without increasing technical staff.

Chief Techie/Sounding board

Robin's Nest Designs
July 1996 – Present

Robin's Nest Designs is an online Needlework store run by my wife. As such, I have been involved in everything related to small business operations, everything from the technical side with stuff like site design and general tech support to helping calculate ROI on marketing campaigns.

Infrastructure Developer

Duke University
Fuqua School of Business
Center for Innovative Global
     Business Education
July 1997 – June 2000

I was part of a team dedicated to researching existing tools and developing new ones to support Business Education. While there I was the co-architect for the Duke Enterprise Education Platform (DEEP) which was a Java based web platform to enhance and replace the GEMBA program's static web presence.

Technology transfer team member when the DEEP platform was "sold" to Pensare, Inc. and re-built as the Pensare P3 platform.

Manager of Networking

Duke University
Fuqua School of Business
Computer Education Center
July 1993 – June 1997

Responsible for staff of 3 which supported the Fuqua School of Business's diverse infrastructure. This included the school wide Novell network, an IBM Mainframe, various Unix systems, providing technical support for researcher, E-mail, Web, and other services.

Duties included budgeting, personnel searches, liaison between IT staff and the school, and being hands on across all areas of the school's infrastructure.

Senior System Programmer

Duke University
Fuqua School of Business
Computer Education Center
July 1989 – June 1993

Responsible for the school's IBM mainframe, terminal network, e-mail system, PC network, supporting researchers, and other IT related systems.

Was technical architect/implementor for two key student technology initiatives: the Computer Mediated Learning Environment (1992-93 pre-Web that used e-mail, NNTP, Gopher, FTP and the like) and the Global Executive MBA program (1995-96 used the Web, e-Mail, NNTP, IRC, and the like)

System Programmer

Duke University
Fuqua School of Business
Computer Education Center
July 1986 – June 1989

Responsible for the school's IBM mainframe, terminal network, e-mail system, PC network, supporting researchers, and other IT related systems.

Major projects included: IT member of Thomas Center planning; lead on several major IBM mainframe updates; lead on student PC lab upgrades/expansion; and expanding the PC network throughout the school.

Programmer / Founding member of Fuqua's IT organization

Duke University
Fuqua School of Business
Computer Education Center
September 1983 – June 1986

Consulting, programming, training for research projects being done on new IBM mainframe. Support for student PC lab and admin PCs. Operational support for the IBM mainframe. System admin for IBM System/38 used for Operations course's MAPICS labs.

Major projects included: responsible for setting up the first PC network @ Fuqua (donated IBM PCNET hardware with Novell servers), migrating research computing from TUCC to internal system, defining processes needed for new internal IT systems.


Purdue University

Mechanical Engr. / Assoc. CS
1976 - 1983

DJ/ Program Director for WILY Dorm Radio, Mech Engr Assoc Pit Crew for Purdue Grand Prix (78 or 79), Co-op @ IBM, out for a year, part time for some.